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The Habit Change Journey


These sessions are focused specifically on whole food nutrition, mindful eating practices, and functional fitness. You will learn to eat for energy, develop more awareness within your body, feelings, and choices. Make movement a daily, enjoyable part of your life and experience a new way of being.


The first step is taking full responsibility for your experience and finding the courage to eliminate the things that don't contribute to your genuine wellbeing. Each program is personally tailored to give you outstanding support, weekly accountability, and a proven system to get results. This program is a 90-day commitment to meet once a week for a 60-minute session. Renewals and follow up maintenance sessions are available at a discounted rate once a program is completed.


Total health and wellness involves every aspect of our being- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. They are all interconnected. I believe in a holistic approach to bring all aspects of yourself into balance to create a meaningful life you love.

Now is the time. Will you begin your journey today?




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Shannon Slayton

210 Baber Park West Dr.

Gallatin, TN 37066

Tel 615.944.4718


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